236 DAYS

July 17-19, 2024, NECC (Shanghai), China

Register to Attend



  What are the show dates and opening times? 

- Date: 10 - 12 October 2020 

- Time: 09:00 - 17:00   10-11 October 2020;   09:00 - 15:00   12 October 2020

  Where is the venue? 

- Venue: National Exhibition and Convention Centre (NECC)

- Address: 168 Yinggang E Rd, Qingpu, Shanghai, China 


Click here to learn more about how to get the venue.  


  How much is the ticket to the show? 

- The show is free to trade buyers. 

- Pre-registration is encouraged to facilitate entry to the event. (Register NOW!)

- Pre-registration is encouraged to facilitate entry to the event. (Register NOW!)

- Anyone below 18 years old will be denied entry.

  How to register? 

Step 1: Click here to register

Step 1: Click here to register

Step 2: You will receive a confirmation email

Step 3: if your registration is before 10 Jun, we will mail your badge to your address. 

(If your registration is after 10 Jun, or you registered before 10 Jun but didn't receive your badge when the show starts, please print the confirmation email mentioned in step 2, and claim your badge onsite at “Overseas Registration Counter”)   

  What happens if I don't receive the mailed badge/ticket? 

Please print the confirmation email, and claim your badge onsite at 'Overseas Registration Counter'

  Can I register my colleagues and friends? 

Yes, of course! Please click here to register.   

Yes, of course! Please click here to register.   



  How to book an interpreter? 

Please contact frostcoco@langtool.cn to book interpreter.   

  Where to get a show catalogue? 

Show Catalogue will be available onsite at Registration Counters, Service Centres of each hall and VIP Lounges. Please note that it's NOT free for visitors.   

  Which companies are exhibiting at the trade fair?  

Please click here to view exhibitor list. Click here to get a preview of the products at CBME China.   

  How to apply for Private Buyer Meetings? 

Please Contact Bonita.Bai@informa.com, to complete application. We will get back to you in 5 working days.   

  Where to eat during the show?  

There are some restaurants inside the venue. Update later...



  Where can I book hotel? Are there special room rates offered to show attendees? 

We have the best negotiated price for the period. Click here for more information.

  Do you have suggested tours around Shanghai? 

Please refer to Shanghai Tourism Bureau website for travel information. 

If you have any other questions, please email cbmexpo@cbmexpo.com