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July 17-19, 2024, NECC (Shanghai), China

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What Are Your Spring Break Plans?


However, once you become a parent, Spring Break takes on a whole new meaning. Tanning and late night drinking is replaced with 14 hour days at the Magic Kingdom or if you are staying home, 14 hours of television, candy and bribes.

I asked the hilarious contributors of the fabulous Scary Mommy blog to tell me what their Spring Break plans are for this year and what they WISH their plans could be:

We're going on a beach vacation. I wish I were swimming in a quiet lagoon by day and enjoying a romantic dinner of seafood and wine at night. Instead, I'll be making sure my kids don't drown and I'll be eating sandy PB&Js. (MomCave TV)

We're going to start our days SUPER early. After that, some serious screen time after we give in to some serious whining.

Having set the course for the day we will slowly wear down and our resistance, by midday to their unhealthy demands will largely have disappeared as we become the appeasers we are at heart. The kids having figured out that whining gets you what you want and we having noted that giving them what they want gets you peace and quiet, even if it is in ever diminishing time frames, we will ride out this dynamic to it's natural outcome and be DELIGHTED to return to normalcy once this disaster is endured. We shall never speak of it again. (Developing Dad)

We are going to Disney World with our four kids for the first time. My husband has never flown and I'm a bit of a nervous flyer so we've decided to drive. I'm picturing National Lampoon's Vacation. I hope I'm wrong. I wish I could be sitting in a cafe in Paris, writing and dreaming over a hot cup of coffee and some high calorie dessert. Instead, we will be holed up in a minivan with grumpy kids and a barage of questions , "Are we there yet?" and demands "I have to pee." (Suburban Sh*t Show)

What I will be doing is wondering how do teachers do what they do?! And trying to keep my kids from destroying each other and our house. What I wish I was doing is going on an all expense paid vacation to anywhere and come home to a professionally cleaned house when it's done. A mom can dream. (Why Did We Have All These Kids Anyway?)

Taking our two-year-old to Cabo, Mexico, like we did last year in hopes she will be so bored by this annual trip by the time she's a teenager that she'll NEVER go to Cabo ever for spring break with her friends!! Yes, we are long-term-planners. LOL. The only thing I pine for is the peace and quiet of a couples-only resort with unlimited booze, of course. Some day she WILL wean! (The Cultural Misfit)

I would love to go to an all inclusive on the beach but it's the busiest time of the year. We are having a stay-cation. That's where I STAY at work and he has the vacation at day camp and home with my boyfriend where they play video games and text me selfies. (Sparkly Shoes and Sweat Drops)

What are you doing this Spring Break?

Source: Very Well